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STOM2024 / Thème : Cancers du Poumon et Tumeurs Thoraciques

Poster Titre
11222 214 PD-L1 testing and Immunotherapy in the Tunisian Context: Real-Life Challenges in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Alia Latrous1, Nesrine Mejri1, Mariem Saadi1, Haifa Rachdi1, Anas Haouari1, Nouha Daoud1, Yosra Berrazega1, Yosr Hamdi2, Hamouda Boussen1
Medical Oncology, Abderrahmen Mami Hospital 1 LBGMO, Institute Pasteur Tunis 2
11224 215 Immunotherapy-related toxicity in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): Insights from Clinical practice
Alia Latrous1, Nesrine Mejri1, Haifa Rachdi1, Mariem Saadi1, Anas Haouari1, Nouha Daoud1, Yosra Berrazega1, Yosr Hamdi2, Hamouda Boussen1
1. Medical Oncology, Abderrahmen Mami Hospital 2.LBGMO, Institute Pasteur Tunis
11241 216 Tyrosine kinase inhibitors in EGFR mutated metastatic non small cell lung cancer ; A Tunisian retrospective study
Boujnah MY, Saadi M, Fendri S, Rachdi H, Haddaoui S, Mejri N, Boussen H
Department of medical oncology, University Hospital A Mami, Ariana, Tunis, Tunisia
11277 217 Adherence to guidelines in the management of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): challenges in limited resources context
Nesrine Mejri1,2, Haifa Rachdi1, Mariem Saadi1,Ahmed Anas Haouari1, Hamouda Boussen1 , Yosr Hamdi2, Yosra Berrazega1
1.Medical Oncology, Abderrahmen mami Hospital 2. LBGMO, Institute Pasteur Tunis, PerMediNA consortium
11296 218 Impact of type 2 diabetes on manifestations and treatment outcome of pulmonary cancer
souha massoudi, wiem kechine, aladin hmad, asma falfoul, nada mabrouk, wassim krit, hajer ouinissi, amira daldoul, sonia zaied
centre of gynecology and neonatology Monastir
11388 219 Pulmonary lymphoepitheliomalike carcinoma
M Bahri1, S Fellah2, E Lagha3, S Aloulou2
1-Radiotherapy HU Gabes, 2-Oncology department HU Gabes, 3- Anatomopathology department HU Gabes
11393 220 Lung Cancer Epidemiology in Monastir: Insights for Effective Prevention
Ahmed Trigui; Imen Zemni, Mariem Jouili; Chaima Youssef; Dorra Ben Salem; Mariem Kacem; Cyrine Ben Nasrallah; Wafa Dhouib; Ines Bouanene; Asma Sariha
Department of preventive and community medicine, Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital
11418 221 Two cases of uncommon metastatic sites in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
N. Mabrouk1, W. Khchine1, S. Massoudi.1, A. Hmad 1, A. Falfoul1, A. Daldoul1, S. Zaied 1
1: Department of medical Oncology, Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital , Monastir, Tunisia
11422 222 Primary synovial sarcoma of the lung: a case report with literature review
Ben Tekaya Sirine, Taghrid Tlili, Mokni Wafa, Yaacoub Sarra, Abdessayed Nihed, Sriha Badreddine, Mokni Moncef
Departement of pathology, Farhat Hached University Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia